Ensuring safe and secure transportation of dangerous goods for ICC & Nicer Globe.
Indian Chemical council is an apex body that successfully represents various sectors of the industry like petroleum refining , petrochemicals, fertilizers , pesticides, paints , organic and inorganic chemicals for over 70 years. Indian Chemical Council under its initiative ‘Nicer Globe‘ is dedicated to establish standards for transport safety, security & emergency response. Nicer globe enables the chemical industry of India with globally acclaimed standards, infrastructure and services for safe & secure transportation though industry collaboration.
As a part of its driver training initiative , ICC ,Nicer globe appointed Tecknotrove – a specialist in simulation , Virtual Reality and Gamified learning to develop interactive learning modules for Hazchem drivers who carry dangerous goods like chemicals, oil, flammable gases, explosives to name a few
A Comprehensive awareness program were developed in association with road safety and hazchem experts that was focused on 2 major topics : Safety and Security of Chemicals and Defensive Driver Training . The design of the modules is interactive and story based , localised in regional languages like Tamil & Hindi Engaging and interactive content with objective assessment ensures that the training is self-paced and could be undertaken remotely and online . End of the program certification motivated the drivers to complete the program.
Tecknotrove is proud to be associated with this initiative and thanks ICC and Nicer Globe for this opportunity. For more details contact us on sales@tecknotrove.com