How do we skill 45 lakh workers in the mining sector?

How do we skill 45 lakh workers in the mining sector?

How do we skill 45 lakh workers in the mining sector? 600 450 Tecknotrove

Why is it that mines in India have to issue licenses for Peruvians to come and work in mines in Rajasthan in large numbers to operate jumbo drill operators and forklift operators and mine blasters? To enhance empowerment in mining the government of India has improved the skill development policy in mining.

Because we don’t have skilled manpower. Only about 3.5 percent of the workforce is skilled in India. So for  the betterment of skill development in mining. The government intends to alter its current skill development policy in mining. According to recent statements made by Rajiv Pratap Rudy, Minister for Skill Development and Entrepreneurship.

He wants to train the Youth of India to become skilled to operate heavy equipment infrastructure used in Indian Mines.

Practicing difficult maneuvers without risk helps operators prepare for dangerous or high-risk situations. Simulator-based training provides operators with a highly realistic environment with real machines, realistic weather, and close-to-reality training scenarios that cannot be replicated in real life, on a real machine.

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