Heavy Vehicle Drivers in Oman will now undergo training on simulators. The Royal Oman Police (ROP) is the main law enforcement agency in Oman. It is not only responsible for law and order in the country but also entrusted with the responsibility of training and testing of drivers to issue driving licenses.
With a vision of deploying smart and advanced simulators to train and test the heavy vehicle drivers in Oman, Royal Oman Police (ROP) was looking at an experienced supplier who could develop Simulators as per their needs that would improve road safety and reduce road accidents in Oman.
“Tecknotrove along with its distribution partner Infinity Overseas in Oman is proud to be the chosen partners for this project” – said Shantanu Gupta – Managing Director – Tecknotrove Systems. TecknoSIM driving simulators will be customized to incorporate road rules and regulations as seen in Oman. The simulator will put the trainee drivers in various scenarios that will help them develop their skills safely. Exposure to hazardous scenarios will also help them develop their reactions towards anticipating and avoiding mistakes while driving on road. The simulators are designed to train in two languages: Arabic and English.
Driving simulators will be deployed across 11 driver training and testing centers in Oman in early 2021. Tecknotrove will provide full support in deploying and training the trainers for this project. “We would like to thank the Royal Oman Police for trusting in Tecknotrove as it’s partner for developing customized simulators for its state of the art driver training centers.”- added Shantanu Gupta

Picture Source: https://www.rop.gov.om/