and Shovel

Excavator and Shovel Simulator

This simulator trains and tests excavator operators using TecknoSIM’s excavator simulator. Excavator simulator is a realistic replica of an actual equipment and replicates the machine dynamics perfectly. It provides the trainees with a safe environment where they can refine their skills and improve their productivity and efficiency. TecknoSIM Excavator Simulator enables training on a range of operating scenarios that allow advanced operators to practice safely in mining operations as well as potentially life-threatening emergency scenarios. New operators learn to operate a shovel or excavator safely on a simulator before operating the real equipment and experienced operators get a chance to further improve their skills.

Convertible Kits

The Excavator Simulator is compatible with convertible kits. Convertible Kits are interchangeable equipment kits that fit onto base simulator platforms allowing the customer to use a range of different equipment on the same simulator Convertible kit change on the simulator takes about 15-20 minutes.

  • Tata Hitachi Z axis EX650 H
  • Komatsu PC1250
  • Tata Hitachi EX70
  • Komatsu PC210
  • Tata Hitachi EX1200
  • Komatsu PC2000
  • BEML 1000
  • Komatsu PC3000
  • Volvo EC480 DL
  • Volvo EC460

Application of Excavator and Shovel Simulators

Excavator Simulator

Control Familarisation

Excavator Simulator

Hazard Identification

Wheel Loader Simulator

Accident Avoidance

Excavator Simulator

Brake Management

Excavator Simulator

Gear Management

Excavator Simulator

Productivity Improvement

Excavator Simulator

Tire Management

Excavator Simulator

Fuel Management

Excavator Simulator

Site Safety Training

Supported OEMs

Product Range

Software Features

Virtual Mine Environment

Virtual Mine Environment

TecknoSIM Excavator Simulators are delivered with highly realistic, virtual mine sites, complete with artificially intelligent equipment such as haul trucks, shovels, dozers, loaders, tippers and light vehicles to support the operator’s training and evaluation process. Real-time weather like rain, snow, fog, dust and daylight conditions add to the realism. Artificially intelligent traffic to the virtual mine site helps operators practice in normal and risky conditions before operating the actual machine. Mine sites can be customized to include roads, pits, loading areas, crasher sites, parking areas, and other details to simulate actual mine sites.

Training Modules

The training modules are progressive and suited to train and test operators of an excavator. The training curriculum gradually progresses from basic skills for new operators to advanced operational skills for experienced operators. Real-time weather changes like rain, fog, dust, and nighttime conditions add to the realism of operator training and evaluation.

Training modules offer a wide range of scenarios including:

  • Control Familarization
  • Manuevering
  • Truck Spotting
  • Bucket Positioning
  • Trenching
  • Truck Loading

*Customised scenarios are developed as per client requirement in multiple languages.

Testing and Evaluation

In real time, the simulator evaluates the operators’ skill, safety, and productivity. The simulator generates a detailed evaluation report for each operator at the end of the scenario. The record and replay feature allows the instructor to replay the scenario and train the operators on their mistakes.

Wheel Loader Simulator

Instructor Software

A single instructor controls multiple simulators for group training. The software allows the instructor to set different training scenarios, inject faults and change environmental conditions, vastly improving trainer efficiency. The instructor can track and print trainees performance.

Truck Driving Simulator

Group Training

Multiple simulators are interconnected to a single instructor to allow for training operators in a group.. This allows a single trainer to manage multiple simulators simultaneously. It’s a cost effective method for training a large number of operators at the same time through a single instructor.

Hardware Features

Operating Station

Operating Station

Operator cab of a TecknoSIM Excavator simulator is based on a standard excavator with a seat and all equipment controls as seen in actual equipment. All controls surrounding the seat are fully functional, including joysticks, levers, switches, keypads, gauges, and pedals. The station consists of an instrument panel that mimics real controls and instruments in an excavator. The simulator can be configured to any OEM console and accommodate multiple equipment types in the same hardware with convertible kits.

Display System

Display System

The visual system with high definition graphics is a key component of the training simulator. A properly designed visual system increases the level of realism and immerses the operators in real world mining environments. The display system of mining simulators is available in multiple options of single-screen display of 32″, three 32″ screen display, Curved screens with multiple projectors for a seamless 180-degree display. Additional screens are provided for blind spot and rear view while operating with other machines.

Forklift Simulator

Motion System

TecknSIM Mining Simulators offer an integrated motion system based on electric actuators that makes it compact and low on maintenance. The motion system provides accurate feedback required for a realistic operating experience on a mine site. It provides steering, acceleration, braking, turning, jerks, gradients, as well as tire and soil interactions. Motion systems are available in options of three degrees of motion (3DOF) and six degrees of freedom (6DOF) Motion Platforms.

Instructor Station

The instructor station controls the operator cab and allows trainers with the following options:

  • Managing database of trainees and instructors
  • Controlling multiple simulators
  • Creation of new exercises
  • Modifying the environment in a running session
  • Injecting vehicle faults in a running session
  • Record and replay of saved sessions
  • Managing performance evaluation reports
  • Calibration of simulators

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